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Designing Dream Kitchens – The Most Popular Upgrades

Designing Dream Kitchens – The Most Popular Upgrades

The kitchen has long been one of the most popular rooms to upgrade. Dream kitchens can actually be created quite easily, providing you and your family with an amazing place to spend time. As the kitchen is actually the one room in the home where people tend to spend the most time, it makes sense to know what the most popular upgrades are for dream kitchens. Where should you start? What options do you have?

Larger Stovetops – One of the most popular places to start with any kitchen remodel is with the stovetop. Most stovetops are 4-eye affairs, whether they’re gas or electric. However, there’s no reason that you should suffer with such a limited appliance. Larger stovetops are becoming some of the most popular upgrades for dream kitchens, and you will find that you can opt for a stovetop with a built-in grilling area, a warming section and more eyes than you might think possible. Of course, you also have the choice of gas or electric, flat or traditional and many other options.

Dual Ovens – Dual ovens can provide enormous benefits for dream kitchens, no matter what your overall design theme might be. With two ovens (wall-mounted, of course), you will be able to use one for baking, while the other one acts as a warmer for prepared foods. You will also find considerable convenience if you regularly cook a large amount of food for the family, as well as for holiday cooking (imagine being able to cook the turkey and dessert at the same time!). Again, you will find a wide range of options from which to choose.

Wall Mounting – If there is any single move that can be found in almost all dream kitchens, it is wall-mounted appliances. Usually, the oven and the microwave are the two most popular appliances for wall mounting. With the oven and the microwave in the wall, you gain additional cabinet space. You also gain style. Finally, accessing an oven or microwave installed in the wall is much easier than bending over to reach into a traditional oven, or fighting with counter clutter to get the microwave door open.

As you can see, you have numerous options when it comes to designing dream kitchens. With just a bit of forethought, you can easily come up with a plan that will benefit your household and provide much more enjoyment.