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Common Questions About Livestock Mortality Insurance

Raising livestock requires a significant investment of money and labor. The loss of a farm animal means not only losing the time and resources invested in the animal but also any potential return on your investment. To protect your farm in the event of an unexpected loss, you should have livestock mortality insurance.

What Does Livestock Mortality Insurance Cover?

A basic livestock mortality insurance policy covers animal deaths due to common causes, such as natural disasters and accidents. Most policies cover the cost of replacing the animal, as well as lost income due to the loss of the animal.

Situations covered by most policies include:

  • Floods, storms or earthquakes
  • Fires and explosions
  • Accidents that occur in transit or while loading or unloading livestock
  • Vehicle collisions

You can generally purchase endorsements for additional risks, such as drowning, animal attacks and accidental shooting. Insurance normally does not cover deaths resulting from illness or old age, but you may be able to upgrade your policy to include them.

Does Livestock Mortality Insurance Cover Theft?

Livestock mortality insurance covers theft; this coverage may be part of the standard policy or an additional endorsement. Even without evidence of the animal’s death, the policy covers loss as a result of theft.

What Doesn’t Livestock Mortality Insurance Cover?

If you or one of your employees accidentally shoots an animal, livestock insurance will not cover it, even if you have accidental shooting coverage. Insurance will not cover an animal that is killed by another animal, such as a dog, that you own.

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What Animals Are Eligible for Mortality Insurance?

You can purchase livestock mortality coverage for healthy farm animals, including cattle, horses, sheep, goats, swine, emus, ostriches, llamas and alpacas. Some policies will not approve coverage for older animals.

Your animals are your livelihood. It is important to have livestock mortality coverage so that your business doesn’t suffer in the event of an accident or natural disaster.